Tattoo Thoughts

With 2 more tattoos under my belt people have started asking why I keep getting them and if they have meaning. Of course they have meaning. Why would anyone put something so permanent on their body that wasn’t meaningful?  I know there are people that do that (I saw it happen in the tattoo shop when I was there) but why. So I decided it was time to tell the world what they all mean.

#1 - In 2009 was when I met my now husband. We were never trying for a baby, but never preventing it either and had decided mutually that if it happened it was meant to be. In August of 2009 my son Grant and I flew to Wyoming for a week to see a cousin and her partner that I hadn’t seen in a very long time. I found out I was pregnant the day before we left.  I didn’t tell anyone, because it was very early. We flew out the next morning and 2 days later I miscarried. Tattoo #1 happened a few weeks later.

#2 - Later in 2009 another miscarriage. Tattoo #2 happened.

#3 - Fast forward to 2016 I had been itching for another tattoo. My brother and I are both adopted and wanted something to bond us closer.  We both got Chinese symbols. Mine means “elder sister” and his means “younger brother.”

#4 - In 2017 I felt like I was misunderstood and that the outspoken, beautiful part of me was confusing to others. I needed something beautiful and defining. I ended up with a wild flower tattoo on my left ankle.

#5 - Later in 2017 I was at a new job and was struggling to find my way and needed something to ground me back to my morals and values to keep me on the right path. I was raised Catholic and have always had Christian values. I had quite a few years of wild ways, but always had the right roots instilled. I ended up with a cross with flowers and the word “kindness” written by my mother. My mom always says that kindness with set you free.

#6 and #7 (happened on the same day) 2018 - I am really struggling to stay pointed in the right direction. With work and PhD work, it is hard to remain motivated. On this day I ended up with an arrow with a peacock feather on the end because the arrow will help me remain focused and point myself in the right direction, when I am feeling weary. My mom and Great Aunt also always had peacock feathers in their homes, and they are strong women who will always keep me motivated. The lightbulb on the other arm will help remind me that I have great, strong ideas and to keep pushing forward even when the light seems dim.

I am sure this is not the end of the tattoo journey, as i already have more planned. It just has to be the right time.

Society may not always accept tattoos, but it isn’t about the color of your hair or how many tattoos you have. It is about the knowledge and strength that you have as a person.  Never hold back. Always persevere to do better. Always challenge yourself and others to think outside the box.


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