Crash and Burn

That moment when you think you are doing right but everything else comes crashing down around you. When you make decisions to keep someone alive and they don't care or don't want to live. How do you continue to care and stand by someone's side when they yell at you and be nasty to you in a public place. Fight back I will. I will not be put down. I will not be treated like you treat me. I do not want to be blamed for your daughter not coming to see you. I can't force her. Not my fault you didn't take care of yourself. You chose to let yourself go. You chose to drink. And hide it. You chose to not be an active participant and used your diagnosis to lead your life.

So I will sit here and eat for the first time today and it doesn't even taste good or sit well with my stomach. I will not answer phone calls or texts so I can decompress and not flip out. I will leave you down there to think about and calm down from all the nasty things you said. 7-20-18


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