Being Professional in an Unprofessional World

Originally Written 10-8-2017 
We all need to feel safe.
Work, home, society.

Sandra Bloom (2015) discusses the different types of Safety.
Moral, Social, Emotional, and Physical.

At home most of us can control the safety.  Locking doors and windows. Owning a gun. Or a really heavy baseball bat. We can control who we let in our house. We can control the atmosphere and rid it of negativity.
I mean wearing pants is usually optional!
And at home our morals are usually steadfast.

At work the types of safety are questionable. Physically it is easy No one can throw a punch (well they could but not a good a good idea). No one will want to risk their paycheck for sexual harassment or violence. Emotionally it an be tough. As a manager/supervisor every day can be a challenge when dealing with others.  Especially others that you supervise and basically tell them what to do.  You not only have to keep your own emotions; sometimes good, bad, violent, I want to throat punch you thoughts; and the ugly thoughts where you want to just say fuck this place. Socially we all need and want to fit in. I am pretty good at reading people but sometimes people whether they identify as introverts or extroverts are a fucking hot ass mess of insecurities and don't know how to read themselves.  Socially I need people.  I need people to tell me I am doing good and making progress towards whatever crazy goal I have.  And I need people to tell me to shut the hell up sometimes.  Listening skills are a work in progress.

I tend to have a "I don't give a fuck attitude" and this typically keeps me from falling apart completely. But who are we kidding I need to know, as we all do, that we are not complete idiots. I tend to be right at a lot of things.  No I am not being an arrogant asshole, but my philosophy is do things right the first time then I don't have to go back and clean up the mess. I can admit when I am wrong, unless you are completely fucking wrong then thanks to being a Taurus (thanks mom), I will hold a grudge until I die and prove you are wrong. When we start new jobs we all need to fit in.  And then there is always one that fucks that  up and makes you decide you will be having a lot of "door closed" work time so you don't throat punch someone.

Now onto moral safety.  We all have morals. Some peoples morals are questionable. Some people freak out when you talk about morals (these people usually don't have their shit together) and some people will throw them in your face and try to shove them down your throat until you gag. I suggest throwing up on these people.
Behind closed doors most of us have standards. Some people adjust their standard based on their surroundings to fit in. Screw fitting in! I want to make people think.

So back to the title. What does it mean to be professional? Sit pretty and keep your mouth shut? Where does change and growth come in? when that guarded wall goes down that so many of us have when we are supposed to be "professional" then the trailer trash people/Popeye the sailor man mouth comes out; the question of 'why' is thrown around does any real work really get done and accomplishments happen?

So what does professional mean?
We are all humans. Humans are nasty beings. Humans sometimes don't think. The unprofessional is talking behind someones back. Bitch please say it to my face. Gossiping will get you punched. I have a good filter, GOD willing.  Because when the unprofessional professional (yes you will need to read that twice) comes out I will cut you down do fast you will need a box of tissues, bottle of xanax or vodka, whatever you prefer, and a your therapist will buy a new house.

So the moral of the story is be CONFIDENT! Fuck everyone else, and be yourself.

Yes, I do have a handful of best friends who love and understand me. And NO I don't need anymore friends.

References (so no one gets excited about plagiarism) 
Bloom, S. (2015). The Sanctuary Model: Commitment to Open Communication. Retrieved from:


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