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What does leadership look like?

Leaders should be visible and cool calm and collected. Leaders should be strong, not intimidating. Leaders should not be better than anyone else. We are all equal. Leaders should be able to work alongside direct care staff and not bat an eye. Leaders should be able to sit down and have a conversation with any staff member and have a conversation about them. Not work. Them. They need to feel supported and not intimidated.  Leaders should not suck the air out of the staff when they walk into a room. Leaders should be approachable. Leaders should have no different effect on the staff than the manager or supervisor walking into the room. Leaders should be present. Leaders should not be scary. Leaders should be caring and compassionate. Leaders should also be knowledgeable and willing to learn. Willing to take risks. Rip off the bandaid. Try new things. Ask how others can help. Use the knowledge we have and not look outside for it. This is the one time we should stay in our box and use what we have.


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