Does Anger Have a Purpose?

Does Anger Have a Purpose?

Maybe having so much anger built up inside is a protective mechanism to make sure no more hurt happens. That the people, places, and things that can be the most hurtful or suck the air out of you because that is a go to reaction. Don't breathe. Don't react. Maybe I won't have to react. Change the subject and act tough. No more hurt. I think my whole life no one wanted to make my story great. I never had any “you will never believe this, I can't make this shit up” moments.  Or I blocked them out because they were too painful. Now as an adult the book could be written about those moments. While I don't think they are intentional, I am struggling with reality. Where do those moments fit when you are not motivated to talk about them? Or motivated to do anything. Functioning yes. The outside shows no signs of the inside struggles.

The anger and a lot of sadness now comes from fitting in.  Why must we all feel that we should fit in wherever we go? I have a lot of great friends, sure, they love me unconditionally, with no judgments.  Why is this still not enough for me? The Love Languages quiz says I need help with Acts of Service and Positive Affirmations. Help me please make a meal or pick up a kid and tell me I am doing a good job, because I feel like I am failing. Anger probably comes from knowing I am trying, but failing miserably.  


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