Fucking Compassion

How can one be so fucking selfish about themselves?  Yes we should all take time for self-care, but what about compassion.  When someone is bending over backwards to meet your needs and all you can do is fucking complain about how they are doing things, how are you this mean? When my give a damn is completely busted because every time I do something for you, you yell and complain, why do I want to come see you and continue to give a shit? You are falling apart after 7 months of continual downfall and maybe it is time that you realized how much people are doing for you. One minute you are complimenting how things are being run and then next minute cutting me down. I have a house to run. Bills to pay. Kids to keep alive and happy. And you are worried about if I can find the charger for your fucking phone. You don’t realize that when you are gone that this house will continue to stand tall and these kids will continue to flourish and no eyes will be blinked, because you haven’t contributed to this house in a long time. People are tired of waiting on you. People are tired of being yelled at when they are trying to do good. Kids are tired and confused about the situation and not being able to be kids because the adult in the house is forcing them to grow up to wait on you hand and foot. Are you too sick to do it? Or are you just fucking lazy? You are given all of the tools to succeed and you continue to fall apart and make bad decisions. You will never come home or have a quality of life again if you don’t even change your fucking clothes every day or ask for a shower. The kids are pulling away from you faster and faster and someday they will have to be forced to come visit. Someday you will realize what you did and how you treated people that are trying to do good for you. Someday you will realize.


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