What do you really need in life?

Made up of so many things. What are things? Why do we need things? Are things possessions? Are things thoughts? Are things people?

People. We all need people. Not a lot of people. Just enough people to help us remember our purpose. Our reason.

Thoughts. We all have thoughts. Some good. Some bad. Some ugly. How do we justify thoughts? How do we justify our feelings that produce thoughts? How do we put together those thoughts with the people we have?

Why are we all focused on possessions? Why not focus on the people and their meaning? Possessions don't have meaning. People do. Some people don't have meaning. They are just space. But how do we justify space and meaning?

How do we recognize our purpose? How do we show our purpose to other People? How do we help those people put our purpose into perspective?

How do we downsize our life, so that it may have purpose and the people in this life that we were given will justify our existence. Same as downsizing our possessions.


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